In late February, a seven-month-old kitten named Noodles escaped from his owner’s apartment, only to face a brutal, senseless end. Carmello Roberts, a teenager from the neighboring apartment, is facing animal cruelty charges after the helpless kitten was beaten, abused, and ultimately strangled to death.
According to court documents, Roberts viciously attacked Noodles, striking him with a large knife, punching him with brass knuckles, and finally smashing his head with a bowling ball. This innocent animal's life was taken in the most violent, unimaginable way. Sign the petition to demand justice for Noodles and ensure this cruelty does not go unpunished.
Noodles was a defenceless kitten, unable to fight back against the horror inflicted on him. What’s more disturbing, Roberts bragged to his friends afterward, describing how he “enjoyed it” and how the kitten’s eyes popped out from the brutal attack. This shocking display of cruelty cannot be ignored. We must be a voice for the voiceless and hold those who harm helpless animals accountable. Sign the petition to demand that the authorities prosecute this case to the fullest extent and ensure that Roberts, if found guilty, faces the maximum sentence.
We cannot allow this kind of extreme violence against animals to be tolerated in our society. The cruelty shown to Noodles is a heartbreaking reminder of why we must stand up for innocent creatures who rely on us for protection. With the next court hearing on October 4th, now is the time to raise your voice. Sign the petition and demand that Carmello Roberts be held fully responsible for his actions and that he be permanently banned from owning or having contact with animals.
We must demand that the legal system takes animal cruelty seriously, and that offenders like Roberts receive the maximum sentence possible. Sign the petition today to stand up for Noodles and all innocent animals who deserve to live free from harm.