SIGN NOW: Ban the sale of dog meat in Vietnam!

Despite it being illegal in many countries, millions of dogs continue to be slaughtered every year. In Vietnam, the sale and consumption of dog meat remains legal, while the illegal transportation of dogs across multiple provinces is rarely enforced.

Dogs are subjected to unimaginable suffering. Roughly handled and crammed into cages and sacks so tightly they can’t move, with their mouths bound shut, these animals can hardly breathe.

Transported on trucks or motorbikes, many suffer broken bones, exhaustion, and heat stroke before reaching their horrific destination—slaughterhouses, markets, and restaurants.

The journey, often lasting days and spanning hundreds of kilometres, leaves many dead along the way from being crushed or from lack of food and water. Those who survive face a brutal death, forced to witness the slaughter of others before their turn comes.

The methods of slaughter are barbaric. Dogs are often force-fed rice with a tube to increase their market weight, and some are beaten in the mistaken belief that this tenderises their meat.

Techniques include drowning, bludgeoning, stabbing, boiling, or blowtorching animals alive. Held in filthy pits and cages, their fear is unimaginable. Each day in Vietnam, pet dogs are stolen from loving families, leaving owners desperate for their return.

We must take action. We need your help to pressure the Vietnamese Government to ban the sale of dog meat and enforce the ban on transportation.

Sign our petition today and help us end the cruel slaughter of dogs in Vietnam.

  • GB Katherine T 25.02.2025 15:51
  • GB Neil A 19.02.2025 10:36
  • GB Mark H 19.01.2025 00:45